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117 articles tagged Popular
'Female hand squeezing pink douche syringe'

How Often Should You Douche?

About 30 percent of American adolescent females douche at least once a week. What is douching and is it necessary at all?

Cosmetology 'Profile of kneeling female buttocks'

Exploring Intimate Bleaching

Glow confidently: Intimate area bleaching insights you need! Unveil the facts, concerns, and smarter choices for vibrant skin.

Neurology 'Teen emo girls'

Are Young Adults Undeveloped?

According to neuroimaging studies, adolescent brains continue maturing through age 25. What are the implications on legal, social, and emotional young adult life?

Woman 'Intimate senior couple'

Coping with Vaginal Dryness

Vaginal dryness can be a difficult topic to discuss, but it is important for women’s sexual health. Discover ways to improve intimacy and pleasure.

Woman 'Female in bed with phone'

Considering Contraceptive Pill

A young woman weighs the risks of romance with a possible pregnancy. Follow her introspective research on contraceptive options, including birth control pills.


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Urology 'Urology patient sitting in exam room'

New Lift for Enlarged Prostate

Are you a mature man suffering from an enlarged prostate? Learn about the UroLift System, a game-changing treatment for BPH symptoms.

Woman 'Female with underarm hair'

Why Women Shave Underarms

The armpit is an area to embrace individuality. Understand best practices for underarm grooming and safe shaving approaches.

Woman 'Peek at Your Cervix'

Peek at Your Cervix

With inexpensive equipment, women can get a glimpse of their cervix between the customary 2-year Pap smears.

Urology 'Female knees on toilet'

Maintain a Healthy Bladder

Would you like to maintain a healthy urinary tract? Check out these simple tips for preventing infections and promoting overall urinary health.

Woman 'Female profile wearing shapewear'

Is Shapewear Body-Contouring Safe?

Want a sleek silhouette? Shapewear can help — but be careful! Wearing it for too long can cause health problems. Learn how to use it safely here.

Woman 'Female holding grapefruits in front of breasts'

Coping With Saggy Breasts

Healthy breasts are more important than perkiness. Yet societal messaging affects how women feel about their bodies. Here are ways to improve firmness.

Gastroenterology 'Woman lying on couch with early signs and symptoms of celiac disease'

Signs and Symptoms of Celiac Disease

If you have health issues you are unsure of, here are the early signs and symptoms of celiac disease you may be dealing with.


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This information does not constitute professional medical care or legal advice. Discuss personal concerns with your doctor or legal advisor.