
Merge Apple Music with Novellas

Young female wearing headphones

We are happy to announce that you can listen to bonus entertainment with ClinicalNovellas short stories utilizing a new integration.

What are ClinicalNovellas?

Unless you’ve been under a rug, by now you know ClinicalNovellas is the best resource for fictional short stories. Like a mellow shallot, their richness develops in layers.

Without a login, you get the basic text for a limited time. Logging in opens up more text and multi-voice-enhanced audio. Paid membership unlocks prior episodes and even more site-wide features like video.

What Sounds Good with ClinicalNovellas?

Do you like good music? Then you’ll love this. We went through all the ClinicalNovellas stories, looking for appropriate songs that match the mood of different episodes. They are now embedded right on the page for your listening pleasure.

Without an Apple Music account, you can play a 90-second sample, which may be just enough to set the right mood. If you have an Apple Music account, you can hear the entire song.

So if you like easy listening, you can unlock the ever-growing library of ClinicalNovellas with music for a song.

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